Center for Iron Disorders

Center for Iron Disorders

A rack of vials from a blood draw.

We are a group of research scientists dedicated to

Improving the diagnosis of iron disorders

A researcher holds tweezers above a plastic vial. She is wearing protective goggles and a face mask.

Understanding iron's role in health and disease

A researcher looks into a microscope. She is wearing protective goggles.

Developing better medications for iron disorders

A researcher examines a test tube of clear liquid. She is wearing protective goggles and a face mask.

Research Areas

  • Control of intestinal iron absorption from food
  • Storage of iron in the liver and the spleen
  • Distribution of iron among cells and tissues
  • Regulation of iron supply for red blood cell production
  • Consequences of iron deficiency
  • Mechanisms of damage by excess iron
  • Iron in pregnancy and fetal development

Diseases Of Special Interest

  • Anemia of inflammation
  • Anemia of chronic kidney disease
  • Anemia of cancer
  • Iron-refractory iron deficiency anemia
  • Hereditary hemochromatosis
  • Thalassemia (Cooley’s Anemia)
  • Cardiovascular and neurological disorders associated with iron dysregulation